گروه تولیدی رضوان

member code: 2066
Brand name: rezvanbag
Company description: تولیدکننده و پخش انواع کیف های پاسپورتی، زنانه، اداری، کیف مدارس و ساک های دستی

Account type: Supplier and Buyer
Business type: Manufacturer   Distributor/wholesaler  
Main markets: داخل
profile visit count: 409

Communication with the company گروه تولیدی رضوان
0098**********[show completely]
0098**********[show completely]
Islamic Republic of Iran
Language spoken: Persian
Responsible for communicate: rezvanbag
ایران - مشهد

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کفش ارک

member code: 2295
+98 **********[show completely]
+98 **********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer Distributor/wholesaler
Needed products: چرم  |  زیره کفش  |  چسب
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران و خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

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بازرگانی سپهر چرم خاورمیانه

member code: 11716
0098***********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران و خارج
Language spoken: Persian English

پلاستیک شاهین

member code: 12379
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

گروه صنعتی مه فام

member code: 12339
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

چرم ادیم

member code: 12380
0098**********[show completely]
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

چرم وحید

member code: 12375
0098**********[show completely]
Business type: Manufacturer
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
Main markets: ایران
Language spoken: Persian English

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